
How To Upload A File To Google Team Drive

Google Bulldoze

The Google Bulldoze modules enable you to monitor, search, create, update, delete, and manage your files, folder, or shared drives in your Google Bulldoze.

  • See the changelog for the Google Drive App

Getting Started with Google Bulldoze


  • A Google business relationship

In order to utilise Google Drive with Make, it is necessary to take a Google account. If you practice not have one, y'all can create a Google business relationship at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in assuming (in the Make scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

To connect your Google Bulldoze business relationship to Make as a Thousand Suite user (Business Gmail account) follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.

After you lot click the Continue push button, Make will redirect you to the Google website where you volition be prompted to grant Brand access to your account:


Here, let access by clicking the Let push. Afterward, you will exist redirected back to the Make scenario. Now, you tin continue creating your scenario.

If y'all are or user you need to create an OAuth client on the Google Cloud Platform in order to obtain Client ID and Client Clandestine. For footstep-by-step instructions on how to create the OAuth customer (and obtain Client ID and Client Undercover) please refer to the Connecting If you are or user you need to create an OAuth client on the Google Cloud Platform in club to obtain Client ID and Customer Hugger-mugger. For step-by-step instructions on how to create the OAuth client (and obtain Client ID and Customer Hole-and-corner) please refer to the ConnectingBrand To Google Services Using a Custom OAuth Client documentation or meet the video tutorial beneath.

To find out whether y'all are G Suite user or @gmail user please run into the Google API restrictions ( Do I take a G Suite account? section) article.

Watch Files In a Folder

Retrieves file details when a file is added or modified in the specified folder.


In order to think the Share Link and Web Content Link , please apply the Get a Share Link module.


To download a retrieved file, delight utilize the Download a File module in your scenario.


Establish a connectedness to your Google Bulldoze.

Scout Files

Select whether you want to sentinel new files in the folder ( By Created Time ), or modified files ( By Modified Time ).

Choose a Drive

Select whether you desire to watch files in ane of the following locations:

  • My Drive

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Bulldoze ( This option is available for G Suite users only! Other users will get the Invalid Value error)

Select the Binder to exist Watched

Navigate to the folder you want to sentry.

File Types to Watch

Select file blazon to filter watched files past.


Set the maximum number of files Make will return during one execution bicycle.

Picket All Files

Retrieves file details when a file in your Google Drive is added or modified.


In gild to recollect the Share Link and Web Content Link , please employ the Get a Share Link module.


To download a retrieved file, please employ the Download a File module in your scenario.


Found a connection to your Google Bulldoze.

Watch Files

Select whether you want to watch new files in the binder ( By Created Time ), or modified files ( By Modified Time ).

Choose a Bulldoze

Select whether you lot want to lookout man files in one of the following locations:

  • My Drive

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Bulldoze ( This option is available for Grand Suite users just! Other users will get the Invalid Value error)

File Types to Watch

Select file type to filter watched files past.


Set the maximum number of files Brand will return during one execution bicycle.

Lookout man Binder

Retrieves folder details when a new binder is created or the existing one is modified.


Found a connection to your Google Drive.

Watch Files

Select whether you lot want to lookout new folders ( By Created Time ), or modified folders ( By Modified Time ).

Choose a Drive

Select whether you desire to watch folders in ane of the following locations:

  • My Drive

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Drive ( This option is bachelor for G Suite users only! Other users will get the Invalid Value error)

Choose a Folder

Navigate to the folder you want to watch for the folders.


Ready the maximum number of folders Brand will return during ane execution bike.

Search for Files/Folders

Searches for files or folders based on search criteria.


Establish a connection to your Google Drive.

Choose a Drive

Select the location where you want to search for files or folders:

  • My Drive

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Drive ( This pick is available for G Suite users but! Other users will go the Invalid Value error)

Choose a Folder

Navigate to the folder yous want to search for the files or folders.


Select whether you want to search for files, folders, or both.


Select the type of the search you want to perform.

  • Search within file/folder names

  • Fulltext search

  • Enter custom search query


Enter the query (differs based on the search type selected in the Search field in a higher place).

Search within file/folder names

Enter a part of the file proper name or full file name (including the suffix) you want to search.

Select whether you lot desire to search exact term or search the file/binder name that contains the entered term in the Search Options field below.

Fulltext search

Enter any search term you want search in your Google Bulldoze.

Enter custom search query

Enter the custom search query. For more than details, please refer to the Search for Files section of this article.

Add the folder selected higher up to the query Searches for the folder northward the parents drove. This finds all files and folders located direct in the folder selected above.


Prepare the maximum number of files or folders Brand volition return during one execution bike.

Download a File

Downloads a file from your Google Drive.


Plant a connection to your Google Bulldoze.

Cull a Drive

Select the location where you want to download a file from:

  • My Drive

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Drive ( This option is available for G Suite users only! Other users will get the Invalid Value error)

Enter a File ID

Select whether you want to enter (map) the file ID manually or select the file using the menu.

File ID

Enter (map) the file ID of the file you lot want to download.

Convert Google Documents/Spreadsheets/Slides/Drawings Files to Format

Select the file type of the file you want to download and target file type you want catechumen to the file to.

Create a File From Text

Creates a file in the selected Google Drive folder.


Establish a connection to your Google Drive.

Choose a Bulldoze

Select the location where you lot want to create the file at:

  • My Bulldoze

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Drive ( This option is available for Chiliad Suite users only! Other users will go the Invalid Value error)

New Text File Location

Select the target location where you want to create the new file.

File Name

Enter the proper noun for the new file.

File Content

Enter the obviously text content of the new file.

Catechumen the File to Google Docs Certificate

Enable this to set up the file'due south mimeType to application/ instead of text/plain.

Create a Folder

Creates a folder in the specified location.


Constitute a connection to your Google Drive.

Choose a bulldoze

Select the drive where y'all want to create the folder:

  • My Bulldoze

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Bulldoze ( This option is available for Yard Suite users only! Other users will go the Invalid Value mistake)

New Binder Location

Select the target location where yous want to create the new folder.

New Folder'south Proper name

Enter the name for the new folder.

Share Folder

If enabled, the binder is shared to anyone with the link of the folder (Web View Link). Otherwise the Web View Link works for the owners only.


Select permission for the folder. A permission grants a user, group, domain, or the world access to a folder hierarchy.


Select the role to define what users can do with a file or folder. For the listing of operations users tin can perform for each office please refer to the Roles documentation.

Upload a File

Uploads a file to your Google Drive.


Found a connection to your Google Drive.

Enter a Folder ID

Select whether you desire to enter (map) the binder ID manually or select the folder using the menu.

Folder ID

Enter (map) the folder ID of the folder yous want to upload the file to.

New File Proper noun

Enter the new file proper name if y'all want to change the name of the file.

Source File

Map the file y'all want to upload from the previous module (e.g. HTTP > Get a File or Dropbox > Get a file), or enter the file name and file data manually.

Update a File

Updates a file's metadata or content.


Establish a connection to your Google Bulldoze.

Enter a File ID

Select whether you desire to enter (map) the file ID manually or select the file using the menu.

File ID

Enter (map) the File ID of the file you lot want to update.

New Updated File Proper noun

Enter the new file name if you lot want to change the proper name of the file.

File Description

Enter the new file description.

Change File Content

Enable this option to modify the file content. The new file must accept the aforementioned mimeType equally the original file.

Source File

Map the file you lot want to upload from the previous module (e.m. HTTP > Get a File or Dropbox > Become a file), or enter the file name and file information manually.

Move a File/Binder to Trash

Moves a file or binder to the trash.


Establish a connexion to your Google Drive.

Enter a File/Binder ID

Select whether yous want to enter (map) the file or folder ID manually or select the file or folder using the menu.

Select File/Folder

Select whether you desire to movement the file or folder to the trash.

File ID / Folder ID

Enter (map) the File ID (or folder ID) of the file (or folder) you desire to motion to the trash.

Delete a File/Folder.

Permanently deletes a file or folder.


Constitute a connection to your Google Drive.

Enter a File/Folder ID

Select whether you desire to enter (map) the file or folder ID manually or select the file or folder using the card.

Select File/Binder

Select whether you desire to permanently delete a file or folder.

File ID / Binder ID

Enter (map) the File ID (or folder ID) of the file (or binder) you want to permanently delete.

Re-create a File

Copies a file to the new location.


Establish a connection to your Google Drive.

Original File's Bulldoze

Select the drive you desire to re-create the file from:

  • My Drive

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Drive ( This choice is bachelor for G Suite users simply! Other users will get the Invalid Value fault)

Original File ID

Enter (map) the File ID of the original file you want to copy.

New Bulldoze Location

Select the target bulldoze you want to copy the file to:

  • My Drive

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Drive ( This choice is bachelor for G Suite users only! Other users will go the Invalid Value error)

New Binder Location

Select the target folder you want to copy the file to.

Copied File Proper noun

Enter the new file name if you want to alter the name of the file in the target location.

Move a File/Folder

Moves a file or folder to the new target location.


Plant a connectedness to your Google Drive.

Choose a Bulldoze

Select the drive you want to movement the file or folder from:

  • My Drive

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Drive ( This option is available for Grand Suite users merely! Other users volition get the Invalid Value error)

Select File/Binder

Select whether yous want to motion a file or binder.

File ID/ Binder ID

Enter (map) the File ID (or Folder ID) of the file (or folder) y'all want to move.

New Bulldoze Location

Select the target bulldoze you desire to motion the file or folder to:

  • My Drive

  • Shared With Me

  • Google Shared Drive ( This choice is available for G Suite users only! Other users volition go the Invalid Value error)

New Folder Location

Select the target folder you want to motion the file or folder to.

Triggers when a shared drive is created.


The K Suite administrator privilege ( Services > Drive and Docs > Settings ) is required in society to use this module.


Establish a connection to your Google Drive.


Select whether you want to filter returned drives by custom search query or query filter .

Query filter

Fix the filter to filter returned shared drives by proper noun , organizer count , or member count . Yous can also utilise AND and OR operators to combine the filter.


Enter your custom search query. For case:name contains 'Brand' and memberCount >= 20 For more info, see the documentation.


Ready the maximum number of drives Make will render during one execution cycle.

Searches for the Google shared drive.


The G Suite ambassador privilege ( Services > Drive and Docs > Settings ) is required in order to utilise this module.


Establish a connectedness to your Google Drive.


Select whether you want to filter returned drives by custom search query or query filter .

Query filter

Gear up the filter to filter returned shared drives by name , organizer count , member count, or created time . You can as well apply AND and OR operators to combine the filter.


Enter your custom search query. For example:name contains 'Make' and memberCount >= 20 For more than info, meet the documentation.


Gear up the maximum number of drives Brand will return during 1 execution cycle.

Creates a new shared drive.

Retrieves shared drive details.


The G Suite administrator privilege ( Services > Drive and Docs > Settings ) is required in guild to use this module.

Updates an existing drive's name and/or restrictions.


The G Suite administrator privilege ( Services > Drive and Docs > Settings ) is required in club to utilize this module.


Establish a connexion to your Google Drive.

Shared Drive ID

Enter (map) the ID or select the drive you want to update.


Enter the new name for the shared bulldoze.


Enable or disable restrictions that utilize to this shared bulldoze or items inside this shared drive.

Admin Managed Restrictions

Select whether administrative privileges on this shared drive are required to modify restrictions.

Copy Requires Writer Permission

Select whether the options to copy, print, or download files inside this shared drive, should be disabled for readers and commenters. When this restriction is enabled, it will override the similarly named field to true for any file inside this shared drive.

Domain Users Only

Select whether admission to this shared drive and items inside this shared drive is restricted to users of the domain to which this shared bulldoze belongs. This restriction may be overridden by other sharing policies controlled outside of this shared bulldoze.

Bulldoze Members But

Select whether admission to items inside this shared drive is restricted to its members.

Permanently deletes a shared bulldoze for which the user is an organizer. The shared drive cannot incorporate any untrashed items.


The Grand Suite administrator privilege ( Services > Drive and Docs > Settings ) is required in order to use this module.

Brand an API Call

Allows y'all to perform a custom API phone call.


Establish a connection to your Google Drive.


Enter a path relative to https://world wide e.m. /v3/files.


For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Google Drive API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method y'all want to utilize:

  • GET to retrieve data for an entry.

  • Post to create a new entry.

  • PUT to update/supplant an existing entry.

  • PATCH to make a fractional entry update.

  • DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired asking headers. You don't have to add dominance headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the torso content for your API telephone call.

The post-obit API phone call returns all files in your Google Drive:






The outcome can be found in the module'southward Output under Package > Torso > files. In our example, 30 files were returned:


In the module Search for Files/Folders you can use your ain query which consists of these parts:

Field - Attribute of the file that is being searched, due east.k. the attribute name of the file.

Operator - Test that is performed on the information to provide a match, thousand. contains.

Value - The content of the attribute that is tested, thousand. the proper noun of the file My cool document.

Combine clauses with the conjunctions and or or, and negate the query with not.



Valid operators



contains 1, =, !=

Proper name of the file. Surround with unmarried quotes '. Escape single quotes in queries with \', due east.g., 'Valentine\'s Day'.


contains 2 iii

Full text of the file including proper name, description, content, and indexable text. Whether the 'title', 'clarification', or 'indexableText' properties, or the content of the file matches. Surround with single quotes '. Escape single quotes in queries with \', e.g., 'Valentine\'s Day'.


contains, =, !=

MIME type of the file. Surroundings with single quotes '. Escape single quotes in queries with \', e.g., 'Valentine\'s Day'.


<=, <, =, !=, >, >=

Appointment of the terminal modification of the file. RFC 3339 format, default timezone is UTC, e.g., 2012-06-04T12:00:00-08:00. Fields of type appointment are not currently comparable to each other, simply to constant dates.


<=, <, =, !=, >, >=

Appointment that the user terminal viewed a file. RFC 3339 format, default timezone is UTC, thousand., 2012-06-04T12:00:00-08:00. Fields of type date are not currently comparable to each other, only to constant dates.


=, !=

Whether the file is in the trash or not. Can be either true or simulated.


=, !=

Whether the file is starred or not. Tin can be either truthful or false.



Whether the parents collection contains the specified ID.

owners 4


Users who ain the file.

writers iv


Users or groups who have permission to modify the file. Meet Permissions resources reference.

readers 4


Users or groups who accept permission to read the file. See Permissions resource reference.


=, !=

Files that are in the user's "Shared with me" collection. All file users are in the file's access control list (ACL). Can exist either true or false.



Public custom file backdrop.



Private custom file backdrop.


=, '!='

The visibility level of the file. Valid values are anyoneCanFind, anyoneWithLink, domainCanFind, domainWithLink, and express. Surround with unmarried quotes '. Escape single quotes in queries with \', e.g., 'Valentine\'s Day'.

[1] The contains operator only performs prefix matching for a proper name. For example, the name "HelloWorld" would match for name contains 'Hello' just not name contains 'Earth'.

[2] The contains operator only performs matching on entire string tokens for fullText. For example, if the full text of a doc contains the string "HelloWorld" only the query fullText contains 'HelloWorld' returns a upshot. Queries such as fullText contains 'Hello' do not render results in this scenario.

[3] The contains operator matches on an verbal alphanumeric phrase if it is surrounded by double quotes. For case, if the fullText of a physician contains the string "Howdy at that place earth", and then the query fullText contains '"Hello there"' returns a result, but the query fullText contains '"Hi world"' doesn't. Furthermore, since the search is alphanumeric, if the fullText of a doctor contains the string "Hello_world", then the query fullText contains '"Hello world"' returns a result.

[4] The owners, writers and readers properties are indirectly reflected in the list and refer to the part on the permission.

Value types

Value Type



Environs with unmarried quotes '. Escape single quotes in queries with \', e.chiliad., 'Valentine\'southward 24-hour interval'.


true or false.


RFC 3339 format, default timezone is UTC, east.g., 2012-06-04T12:00:00-08:00.





The content of i string is present in the other.


The content of a string or boolean is equal to the other.


The content of a string or boolean is not equal to the other.


A value is less than another.


A value is less than or equal to another.


A value is greater than another.


A value is greater than or equal to some other.


An element is contained within a drove.


Render items that lucifer both queries.


Return items that match either query.


Negates a search query.


A collection contains an element matching the parameters.

For compound clauses, you can use parentheses to grouping clauses together. For example:

modifiedTime > '2019-06-04T12:00:00' and (mimeType contains 'image/' or mimeType contains 'video/')

This search returns all files with an paradigm or video MIME type that their last modification was subsequently June iv, 2019. Because and and or operators are evaluated from left to correct, without parentheses, the higher up case would return only images modified later on June 4, 2019, but would render all videos, even those before June 4, 2019.


Files with the name "howdy"

name = 'howdy'

Files with a proper noun containing the words "hello" and "farewell"

proper noun contains 'hello' and name contains 'bye'

Files with a proper name that does not comprise the word "hi"

non name contains 'hello'

Folders that are Google apps or have the folder MIME blazon

mimeType = 'application/ vnd. google-apps. binder'

Files that are not folders

mimeType != 'awarding/ vnd. google-apps. folder'

Files that contain the text "important" and in the trash

fullText contains 'of import' and trashed = true

Files that comprise the discussion "hello"

fullText contains 'hello'

Files that do not have the word "hi"

not fullText contains 'hello'

Files that contain the exact phrase "hullo earth"

fullText contains '"hello earth"'

Files with a query that contains the "" graphic symbol (e.grand., "\authors")

fullText contains '\\authors'

Files with ID within a collection, e.g. parents collection

'1234567' in parents

Files in an Application data folder in a collection

'appDataFolder' in parents

Files for which user "" has write permission

'test@example. org' in writers

Files for which members of the group "" have write permission

'group@example. org' in writers

Files modified later a given date

modifiedTime > '2012-06-04T12:00:00' / / default time zone is UTC

Files shared with the authorized user with "hullo" in the proper name

sharedWithMe and name contains 'how-do-you-do'

Files that have not been shared with anyone or domains (only private, or shared with specific users or groups)

visibility = 'express'

Prototype or video files modified after a specific date

modifiedTime > '2012-06-04T12:00:00' and (mimeType contains 'image/ ' or mimeType contains 'video/ ')

(Reference: Google Drive API v3 - Search for files and folders, Google Drive API v3 - Search query terms)

There are several situations when uploading or updating a file fails:

  • The uploaded file is likewise big and exceeds the maximum file size limit allowed for your Google Drive programme or you lot have exceeded your Google Bulldoze storage limit. You can either upgrade your storage program or delete existing files from the Google Drive service.

The selected binder where the file was to be uploaded to no longer exists. The scenario stops and it is then necessary to select a target folder over again.

Your connection has expired and is no longer valid. You need to reauthorize the connection.

This error affects non -Gsuite Google accounts. For more details please refer to the Google OAuth documentation.


Reauthorize your Google connection.

1. Log in to Brand.

ii. Navigate to Connections.


three. Find your Google connexion and click Reauthorize push.


To forbid the expiration of your Google connexion, we advise you to reauthorize the connexion every week.

final update: 2020-06-08

  • All modules at present support all instances - My Drive, Shared With Me, Google Shared Drive (Yard Suite). The app Google Team Drive is not available every bit the Google Drive app now supports the same methods. The group of modules Google Shared Drive(for G Suite users) has been newly added:

    • Watch Shared Drives

    • Search for Shared Drives

    • Become a Shared Drive

    • Update a Shared Bulldoze

    • Delete a Shared Drive

    • Create a Shared Drive

  • Spotter Files in a Folder - The new module helps the user to control used data and operations by non downloading the files. If needed, the file tin can be downloaded using the separate Download a File module.

  • Watch All Files - The new module helps the user to command used data and operations past non downloading the files. If needed, the file can be downloaded using the separate Download a File module.

  • U pload a File/Update a File - avant-garde feature Convert a File - the solution working with a MIME type.

  • All modules - Utilise the separate Recognize a Folder Path module to call back the binder ID.

  • Get a Share Link - supports avant-garde modifications of rights for the share link.

  • Download a File - formerly Go a File. Now you can manually select the file you lot desire to download.

  • Copy a File/Motility a File - all instances are supported, eastward.g. yous may copy/move a file from "My Bulldoze" to "G Shared Drive".

  • Create a Binder - the Share binder feature - supports advanced modifications of rights for the Share link.

  • Create a File from Text - a new module

  • Move a File/Binder to Trash - legacy module could trash only files. The new ane supports likewise empty folders.

  • Delete a File/Folder - legacy module could delete but files. The new one supports also empty folders.

  • Brand an API Telephone call - universal module

  • Scout Shared Files - deprecated, now the modules Watch All Files or Picket Files in a Folder may be used.


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